For over 30 years, members of the Peer Relations Study Group have conducted research on key facets of peer relations among adolescents and young adults. Published reports from this research provide useful information for social scientists, parents, and practitioners working with youth. Current projects concern peer factors in young people’s use of social media, decisions about sharing information about peers with parents, performance as newly licensed drivers, and adjustment to major adolescent transitions (e.g., into middle school, high school, or college).
Members of the PRSG team are pre-and post-doctoral students working with Dr. Bradford Brown at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Past work in the PRSG has launched the academic careers of over a dozen social scientists and an equal number of educational practitioners or counselors/therapists working with young people. Team members have produced a series of research measures that are available free of charge for use by other social scientists. For more information about the PRSG, please contact us.