Scholarly Publications
Arranged by topic, here are citations for publications stemming from the work of the Peer Relations Study Group.
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General Issues Regarding Peer Relations
- Brown, B. B. (1990). Peer groups and peer cultures. In S. S. Feldman and G. R. Elliott (Eds.), At the threshold: The developing adolescent (pp 171-196). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pdf
- Brown, B. B. (1999). Measuring the peer environment of American adolescents. In S. L. Friedman & T. D. Wachs (Eds.), Assessment of the environment across the life span (pp. 59-90). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. pdf
- Brown, B. B. (2004). Adolescents’ relationships with peers. In R. M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 363-394). New York: Wiley. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Braun, M. T. (2013). Peer Relations. In C. Proctor & P. A. Linley (Eds.), Research, applications, and interventions for children and adolescents: A positive psychology perspective (pp. 149-164). New York, NY: Springer.
- Brown, B. B., Hippensteele, I. M., & Lawrence, S. M. (2014). Commentary: Developmental perspectives on adolescents and gangs Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24, 284-292. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Klute, C. (2003). Cliques, crowds, and friendships. In G. R. Adams & M. Berzonsky (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Development (pp. 330-348). London: Blackwell. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Larson, J. (2009). Peer relationships in adolescence. In R. M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, 3rd edition (pp.74-103). New York: Wiley. pdf
- Hamm, J.V. (1998). Negotiating the maze: Adolescents’ cross-ethnic peer relations in ethnically diverse schools. In L. Meyer, M. Grenot-Scheyer, B. Harry, H.S. Park, & I. Schwartz (Eds.), Making friends: The influences of culture and development (pp. 241-260). New York: Paul Brookes.
Adjusting to College: Psychosocial Factors
- Grant, A. M., Brown, B. B., & Moreno, M. A. (2013). The disparity between social drinking motives and social outcomes: A new perspective on college student drinking. College Student Journal, 47, 96-101. pdf
- Liu, D., & Brown, B. B. (2014). Self-disclosure on social networking sites, positive feedback, and social capital among Chinese college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 213-219. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., & Brown, B. B., (2013). Motives for using Facebook, patterns of Facebook activities, and late adolescents’ social adjustment to college. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 403-416. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., & Brown, B. B. (2015). Factors involved in associations between Facebook use and college adjustment: Social competence, perceived usefulness, and use patterns. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 245-253. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., Brown, B. B., & Braun, M. T. (2014). From Facebook to cell calls: Layers of electronic intimacy in college students’ interpersonal relationships. New Media and Society, 16, 5-23. pdf
Adolescents and Social Media
- Liu, D., & Brown, B. B. (2014). Self-disclosure on social networking sites, positive feedback, and social capital among Chinese college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 213-219. pdf
- Smahel, D. Brown, B. B., & Blinka, L. (2012). Associations between online friendship and Internet addiction among adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 48, 381-388. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., & Brown, B. B., (2013). Motives for using Facebook, patterns of Facebook activities, and late adolescents’ social adjustment to college. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 403-416. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., & Brown, B. B. (2015). Factors involved in associations between Facebook use and college adjustment: Social competence, perceived usefulness, and use patterns. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 245-253. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., & Brown, B. B. (2016). Online self-presentation on Facebook and self-development during the college transition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(2), 402-416. pdf
- Yang, C.-c., Brown, B. B., & Braun, M. T. (2014). From Facebook to cell calls: Layers of electronic intimacy in college students’ interpersonal relationships. New Media and Society, 16, 5-23. pdf
Family-Peer Linkages
- Bakken, J. P., & Brown, B. B. (2010). Adolescents’ secretive behavior: African American and Hmong adolescents’ strategies and justifications for managing parents’ knowledge about peers. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 359-388. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Bakken, J. P. (2010). Parenting and peer relationships: Reinvigorating research on family-peer linkages in adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 359-388. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Bakken, J. P., Nguyen, J., & Von Bank, H. (2007). Sharing information about peer relations: Parent and adolescent opinions and behaviors in Hmong and African American families. In B. B. Brown & N. S. Mounts (Eds.), Linking Parents and Family to Adolescent Peer Relations: Ethnic and Cultural Considerations (pp. 67-82). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Huang, B.-H. (1995). Examining parenting practices in different peer contexts: Implications for adolescent trajectories. In L. J. Crockett & A. C. Crouter (Eds.), Pathways through adolescence: Individual development in relation to social contexts (pp. 151-174). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Lamborn, S. L., Mounts, N. S., & Steinberg, L. (1993). Parenting practices and peer group affiliation in adolescence. Child Development, 64, 467-482. pdf
- Brown. B. B., & Mounts, N. S. (2007). The cultural context of family-peer linkages in adolescence. In B. B. Brown & N. S. Mounts (Eds.), Linking Parents and Family to Adolescent Peer Relations: Ethnic and Cultural Considerations (pp. 1-16). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pdf
- Chan, H.-y., Brown, B. B., & Von Bank, H. (in press). Adolescent disclosure of information about peers: The mediating role of perceptions of parents’ right to know. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. pdf
- Hamm, J.V. (2001). Barriers and bridges to positive cross-race peer relations: African American and White parents’ socialization beliefs and practices. Youth & Society, 33, 62-98. pdf
- Liu, D., Chen, D., & Brown, B. B. (2020). Do parenting practices and child disclosure predict parental knowledge? A meta-analysis. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 49(1), 1-16. pdf
- Hamm, J.V. (2000). Do birds of a feather flock together?: Individual, contextual, and relationship bases for African American, Asian American, and European American adolescents’ selection of similar friends. Developmental Psychology, 36(2), 209-219.pdf
- Hamm, J. V., Brown, B. B., & Heck, D. J. (2005). Bridging the ethnic divide: Student and school characteristics in African American, Asian-descent, White, and Latino adolescents’ cross-ethnic friend nominations. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15, 21-46. pdf
- Hamm, J. V., & Coleman, H. L. K. (2001). African American and White adolescents’ strategies for managing cultural diversity in predominantly White high schools. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30, 281-303. pdf
Identity Processes
- Brown, B. B., & Lohr, M. J. (1987). Peer group affiliation and adolescent self-esteem: An integration of ego-identity and symbolic interaction theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 47-55. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Mory, M., & Kinney, D. A. (1994). Casting adolescent crowds in relational perspective: Caricature, channel, and context. In R. Montemayor, G. R. Adams, & T. P. Gullotta (Eds.), Advances in adolescent development: Vol. 6. Personal relationships during adolescence (pp. 123-167). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. pdf
- Nguyen, J., & Brown, B. B. (2010). Making meanings, meaning identity: Hmong adolescent perceptions and use of language and style as identity symbols. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 849-868. pdf
- Stone, M. R. & Brown, B.B. (1999). Descriptions of self and crowds in secondary school: Identity claims and projections. In Jeffrey McClellan (Ed.), The role of peer groups in adolescent social identity: Stability and change (pp 7-20). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pdf
Peer Group Structures and Functions
- Brown, B. B. (1989). The role of the peer group in adolescents’ adjustment to secondary school. In T. Berndt & G. Ladd (Eds.), Peer relationships in child development (pp. 188-215). New York: Wiley.pdf
- Brown, B. B. (2011). Popularity in peer group perspective: The role of status in adolescent peer systems. In A. H. N. Cillessen, D. Schwartz, & L. Mayeux (Eds). Popularity in the peer system (pp. 165-192). New York: Guilford Press. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Dietz, E. (2009). Informal peer groups in middle childhood and adolescence. In K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski, & B. Laursen (Eds.), Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups (pp. 361-376). New York: Guilford Press. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Eicher, S. A., & Petrie, S. D. (1986). The importance of peer group (“crowd”) affiliation in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 9, 73-96. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Herman, M., Hamm, J. V., & Heck, D. (2008). Ethnicity and image: Correlates of minority adolescents’ affiliation with individual-based versus ethnically defined peer crowds. Child Development, 79, 529-546. pdf
- Brown, B. B., & Lohr, M. J. (1987). Peer group affiliation and adolescent self-esteem: An integration of ego-identity and symbolic interaction theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 47-55. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Lohr, M. J., & Trujillo, C. M. (1990). Multiple crowds and multiple lifestyles: Adolescents’ perceptions of peer group characteristics. In R. E. Muuss, (Ed.), Adolescent behavior and society: A book of readings (pp 30-36). New York: Random House. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Von Bank, H., & Steinberg, L. (2008). Smoke in the looking glass: Effects of discordance between self- and peer-rated crowd affiliation on adolescent anxiety, depression and self-feeling. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 1163-1177.pdf
- Stone, Margaret, & Brown, B. Bradford (1998). In the eye of the beholder: Adolescents’ perceptions of peer crowd stereotypes. In Rolf E. Muuss & Harriet D. Porton (Editors), Adolescent behavior and society: A book of readings, 5th edition (pp. 158-169). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Susman, S., Pokhrel, P., Ashmore, R. D., & Brown, B. B. (2007). Adolescent peer group identification and characteristics: A review of the literature. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 1602-1627. pdf
Peer Influence Processes
- Allen, J. P., & Brown, B. B. (2008). Teens, peers, and automobiles: The perfect storm? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, S289-S293. pdf
- Brown, B. B. (1996). Visibility, vulnerability, development, and context: Ingredients for a fuller understanding of peer rejection in adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 16, 27-36. pdf
- Brown, B. B. (2013). Adolescents, organized activities, and peers: Knowledge gained and knowledge needed. In J. A. Fredricks & S. D. Simpkins (Eds.), Organized out-of-school activities: Settings for peer relationships, peer influence, and adolescent development. (New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 140) (pp. 77-96). San Francisco: Jossey Bass. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Bakken, J. P., Ameringer, S. W., & Mahon, S. D. (2008). A comprehensive conceptualization of the peer influence process in adolescence. In M. J. Prinstein & K. Dodge (Eds.), Peer influence processes among youth (pp. 17-44). New York: Guildford Publications. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Clasen, D. R., & Eicher, S. A. (1986). Perceptions of peer pressure, peer conformity dispositions, and self-reported behavior among adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 22, 521-530. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Lohr, M. J., & McClenahan, E. L. (1986). Early adolescents’ perceptions of peer pressure. Journal of Early Adolescence, 6, 139-154. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Mory, M., & Kinney, D. A. (1994). Casting adolescent crowds in relational perspective: Caricature, channel, and context. In R. Montemayor, G. R. Adams, & T. P. Gullotta (Eds.), Advances in adolescent development: Vol. 6. Personal relationships during adolescence (pp. 123-167). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. pdf
- Clasen, D. R., & Brown, B. B. (1985). The multidimensionality of peer pressure in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 451-468. pdf
Romantic Relationships
- Brown, B. B. (1999). “You’re going with who?!”: Peer group influences on adolescent romantic relationships. In W. Furman, B. B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence. (pp. 291-329) London: Cambridge University Press. pdf
- Brown, B. B. (2006). A few course corrections to Collins & van Dulmen’s “The course of true love.” In A. C. Crounter & A. Booth (Eds.), Romance and sex in adolescence and emerging adulthood (pp. 113-123). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. pdf
- Brown, B. B., Feiring, C., & Furman, W. (1999). Missing the Love Boat: Why researchers have shied away from adolescent romance. In W. Furman, B. B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence (pp. 1-16) London: Cambridge University Press. pdf
- Freeman, H., & Brown, B. B. (2001). Primary attachment to parents and peers during adolescence: differences by attachment style. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30, 653-674. pdf
Peer Factors in Teen Driving
- Allen, J. P., & Brown, B. B. (2008). Teens, peers, and automobiles: The perfect storm? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, S289-S293. pdf
Here are several newsletters reporting findings from our research studies. Prepared for parents, teens, schools, and community organizations that participated in our research, they are available to everyone.
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Teens and Social Media
Adjustment & Belonging in College
10 Tips to Parents
- On building positive peer relationships
- On effective parenting strategies
- On fostering effective study skills
Building Positive Peer Relationships
- Handling peer pressure and peer influence
- Cliques and crowds
- What do teens tell parents about peers?
Teen Driving
Undergraduate Presentation
A list of research presentations presented by our undergraduate interns.
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Conference Presentations
National Conference Presentations That include Undergraduates
- Brown, B. B., Calvin, A., Prudhom, A., & Yeo, G.H. (2019, March). Proceed with caution: Tweens’ self-protective strategies when initiating social media use. In J. Yau (Chair), Be-Tween Devices: Connecting Pre- and Early- Adolescents’ Mobile Device Use and Wellbeing. Symposium presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, MD.
2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI
- Edwards, Mae, Toguem, Malika, Ho, Pauline, & Brown, B. B. (2019, April). Belonging in college. Paper presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Fernandez, Isa, Calvin, Angie, & Brown B. B. (2019, April). Fear of missing out: How does it impact social media use among teens? Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Xiong, Mai-Chia, Adomako, Maame, & Brown, B. B. (2019, April). Sense of belonging at the campus. Paper presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Zhang, Amanda, Calvin, Angie, & Brown, B. B. (2019, April). School rules about social media: Do teens really follow them? Paper presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
2018 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI
- Doerrer, Molly, Calvin, Angie, & Brown, B. B. (2018, April). Freshman’s Finstas: Do they help or hinder high school adjustment? Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Prudhom, Ashley, & Brown, B. B. (2018, April). Dealing with “drama”: High school freshmen’s involvement with peer tensions online. Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI
- Gravelle, Kyra, Prudhom, Ashley, Schenck, Cole, Shear, Victoria, & Brown, B. B. (2017, April). Early adolescents’ social media initiation issues in relation to peer engagements. Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Hang, Josh, & Brown, B. B. (2017, April). Exploring freshmen and their social adjustments to college. Paper presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Prudhom, Ashley, Gravelle, Kyra, Schenck, Cole, Shear, Tori, Calvin Angie, & Brown, B. B. (2017, April. Early adolescents’ use of social media. Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
2016 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI
- Keaton, Taylor, & Brown, B. B. (2016, April). How are college students balancing academic and social demands at U.W.-Madison? Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Pentakota, Unmesha, Niu, Amy, & Brown, B. B. (2016). Roommate relationships and college adjustment. Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.
- Prudhom, Ashley, & Brown, B. B. (2016, April). Early adolescents’ peer relations in relation to parental monitoring of social media. Poster presented at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI.