Maame Adomako

Position title: Doctoral Candidate


  • B.S., Central Michigan University, Psychology and Sociology with a Youth Studies Concentration
  • M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Educational Psychology

Professional Achievements: Resume


Maame Adomako is a Ph.D. candidate in the Human Development area. Her professional and research experiences are aimed toward enhancing leadership and diversity among adolescents in education. Her skills include multicultural programming, tutoring and mentoring high and middle school students. Maame is a former scholar of the Summer Education Research Program at UW-Madison during which her research focused on the racial and ethnic differences in student satisfaction of college on a predominantly White campus and the implications of social and academic adjustment for students’ satisfaction with college.


My research addresses student developmental experiences in Predominantly White Institutions. My research and graduate training have focused on the racial and ethnic influences in student social and academic experiences and critical developmental issues in Higher Education with a special foci on transition & adjustment processes, identity development, and diversity and inclusion. During my time at UW-Madison, I worked with the PEOPLE program (Pre-College Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning and Excellence) in various academic roles supporting student success across the educational pipeline.

I also served as a Career Advising Intern at SuccessWorks for the College of Letters and Science Career Services, where I advised students on career planning and professional skills. Currently, I work as an Academic Advisor in Cross-College Advising Service supporting undecided and exploring students’ transition to life at UW-Madison, while completing my dissertation research on students’ sense of belonging at Predominantly White Institutions.